Petrol pumps
Petrol pumps are one type of a specific water pump solution. It's counterpart is the deiseal driven water pumps. These pumps are unique in that they are not powered by electricity. Therefore not making them dependent on the electrical grid. They instead use petrol or deiseal as their fuel source. They are good for draining large areas or moving high volumes of water. Engine Driven pumps are ideal in remote areas where electric power isn't available. They are also suited for situations that require mobility since they do not require external power. In situations like flooding it is advisable to have an engine driven pump as a defense schemes, in case of a power outage.
SuperPump can supply different engine driven pumps at different powers, output, flow rates and solids handling to suit the task they will be intended for. It is very important to know whether you are pumping salt water, chemicals, trash or sludge so that the right pump can be selected to ensure it will not corrode due to improper use.